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What Matters Most to Teenagers

The award-winning PBS documentary program Frontline tackles the really tough issues—the Iraq war, sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, AIDS and homosexuality, the meth epidemic, and the toughest one of all…the teenage brain. On the must-watch list for youth leaders, Frontline’s "Inside the World of the Teenage Brain" should be a double-must.1 It’s a smart, well-researched, and fascinating roller-coaster ride through the wicked synapses of a teenager’s command-and-control center.…

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3 mins

Road-Trip Outreach Ideas

Road trips are a biblical staple. In fact, some of the greatest Bible stories involve road trips. The tale of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) is a good example. While on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, a Samaritan traveler comes upon a man beaten, robbed, and dying by the side of the road.…

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2 mins

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Almost every young child eventually asks mom or day, “Why do bad things happen to good people.” It does not take long for one to discover that life does not seem fair and sometimes, the odds seem stacked against you. To spark conversation on the topic, watch the movie Holes as a group and follow it up with this devotion.…

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3 mins

The 4 Percent Panic-Attack

This masquerading stat/lie goes something like this: “The percentage of young people who are Bible-believing Christians is steadily decreasing, and right now has dropped to a rock-bottom 4 percent.” The 4 Percent Warning has entered unopposed into the church’s vocabulary of accepted fact.…

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They want responsibility. They want to be heard. And above all, they don’t want to be treated like children. Of course, the reason kids crave adults’ respect is simple—they don’t feel they’re getting it now. Why not? Well, sometimes kids’ behavior doesn’t warrant respect, as a recent letter from a Christian camp director in Pennsylvania points out: “Our camp is geared for youth groups.…

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4 mins

Come to the Quiet

About a month ago God performed a “celebrity smack-down” on me. He was the celebrity, I was the smack-ee. My overlapping responsibilities as editor of GROUP and creator of GROUP Magazine Live (, combined with some chronic health problems in my family, had sucked the life out of me.…

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1 min

Weapons-Grade Leaders

So Iran is building nuclear power plants, or are its leaders really working on nuclear weapons? Believe it or not, the answer to this question has a loopy relevance for your youth ministry. If you enrich uranium a little, you can use it to fuel a power plant.…

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